History of the Salzburg Cathedral

Salzburg Cathedral dominates the image of the old town with its striking twin-towered façade and mighty structure. The Baroque squares that surround it form a unique stage, used by the Festival and recognized by Unesco as a World Heritage Site.
The present cathedral had two medieval predecessors, the remains of which can be seen in the crypt. The first cathedral was consecrated by St. Virgil in 774, and under Archbishop Hartwik (991-1023) it was enlarged, and under Archbishop Konrad I (1106-1147) two west towers were added.
In 1167 the cathedral, which was still Carolinian in its core, burned down. Archbishop Konrad III (1177-1183) then had a huge, Romanesque new building erected, which was 110 m long, had five towers and probably looked similar to the cathedrals in Mainz and Worms. After a fire, it too was demolished in 1598.
The foundation stone of the existing, baroque cathedral was laid in 1614. In 1628 it was consecrated by Archbishop Paris Lodron. About forty years later, the towers and the surrounding squares were completed.
The baroque building impresses with its clear forms, uniform decor and luminous facade made of local marble. Its architect, Santino Solari, came from Italy. He created the most important church building of that time north of the Alps, which influenced architecture throughout Austria and southern Germany.